Brian G. Rosenberg
CEO, TRG ConsultingBrian G. Rosenberg, CEO of TRG Consulting, is a leading expert in AP automation and process improvement. He has over 15 years’ experience in the design of accounts payable shared service centres, and nearly 20 years of experience with implementation of accounts payable solutions. Mr. Rosenberg is also the chairman of the editorial board for Financial Operations Matters magazine, and is a published author and speaker, on procure-to-pay best practices.
Recorded-webinar by: Brian G. Rosenberg
Travel and Expense Policy Development and Automation
T&E expense policies are essential for streamlining and structuring business workflows. By automating the critical steps in the travel and expense process, you can ensure that travelling employees follow the travel and expense policy. You will automatically eliminate non-compliant and fraudulent claims, as well as streamline your workflows. A comprehensive and effective travel and expense policy is the ideal ally for growing businesses. Furthermore, an effective travel policy provides decision-makers with sharp and valuable insights.
Using Controls and Segregation of Duties to Build a Bulletproof AP Operation
This training program will detail how to create a bullet-proof AP operation that is setup to detect and proactively prevent fraud from occurring. During this session, the webinar presenter will discuss real cases of AP fraud and the controls that organizations later realized needed to be added to their AP operation, unfortunately too late to prevent these costly incidents. In addition to discussing good controls, he will also discuss common controls that are ineffective, provide no value, or even leave AP departments with a false sense of security while they are in reality still very much exposed.
Fraud is more common than companies realize as it is chronically underreported. AP departments have a vital role in preventing instances of fraud within their department. How do AP managers, already facing large workloads and staff and technical resources, able to effectively prevent costly mistakes or fraud from occurring.
While too few controls leave an organization exposed, too many controls can create bottlenecks in processes and prevent AP from getting work done quickly and efficiently. How do you establish the proper balance? Just one change to your controls can save your organization hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars.
Purchasing Cards: Overcoming Risks and Creating an Effective Program
This training program will detail the components of a successful purchasing card program. It will also discuss implementing proper purchasing card controls, types of risk including fraud and misuse, auditing techniques, and more.