Conducting Effective, Legally - Compliant Investigations of Harassment and Bullying Allegations
Speaker: Diane L. Dee
Speaker Designation: President, Advantage HR Consulting

Speaker: Diane L. Dee
Speaker Designation: President, Advantage HR Consulting
Your employees have the right to a safe, non-threatening work environment. Their productivity and morale can be seriously affected not only by instances of workplace bullying and harassment but also by their leader's response to these problems. Therefore, organizations must have strategies in place for managers and supervisors to recognize the signs of toxic and/or illegal behavior among employees, and take action to restore a healthy work culture.
Punishment of a harassment and bullying charge also varies depending on the severity of the claim, leading to imprisonment of up to 10 years in state prison and a $20,000 fine. For instance, in September 2022, an IHOP franchisee had to pay $125,000 to settle an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) sexual harassment lawsuit.
While no employer wants to be accused of harassment & bullying, all employers need to be armed with the knowledge of how to proceed should they find themselves in the position of not having to defend themselves against a harassment and bullying charge. Employers must ensure they are properly prepared at the outset of an investigation to conduct effective and legally compliant investigations into harassment and bullying.
This webinar will lay the groundwork for conducting effective and legally compliant investigations of harassment and bullying investigations. Participants will gain insight into rules to follow when conducting investigations, preventive strategies employers can put in place to avoid allegations in the future and much more!
More so today than ever, harassment claims in the workplace are a hotbed for litigation and EEOC claims. Employers must understand how to evaluate the scope of their internal investigations, how to document steps taken along the way, and how to insulate their organization from subsequent lawsuits. Additionally, it's also important for employers to ensure all parties are treated fairly during the process and be sensitive to how the organization's process is communicated and implemented.
If you don’t want to deal with fines, lawsuits, replacing employees, bad press, or the stress of a scandal, you need to address issues like harassment & bullying before it becomes a major issue.
Participation in this webinar will teach you how to conduct a legally and psychologically effective workplace probe. From fact-finding to conducting interviews and writing reports, this webinar will assist you in gaining the confidence to conduct effective, fair investigations.
This presentation will focus on key policies, procedures, and training to put in place to try to avoid harassment claims of all types through the use of effective and legal investigations, steps to take to respond to allegations of harassment or improper conduct in the workplace, and proper steps to take once a claim has been filed. The presentation will focus on investigating all types of harassment, as well as common issues that may violate company policy, such as bullying in the workplace.
Addressing workplace harassment and bullying allegations requires a delicate balance between fairness and legality. This topic explores the essential elements of conducting investigations that adhere to legal standards. Professionals will gain insights into proper procedures, communication strategies, and the importance of maintaining a legally compliant framework. By adopting best practices, organizations can create a safe and respectful workplace while mitigating legal risks.
Diane L. Dee, President of Advantage HR Consulting, LLC has over 30 years of experience in the Human Resources arena. Diane’s background includes experience in Human Resources consulting and administration in corporate, government, consulting, and pro bono environments. Diane founded Advantage HR Consulting, LLC in early 2016. Under Diane’s leadership, Advantage HR provides comprehensive, cost-effective Human Resources solutions for small to mid-sized firms in the greater Chicagoland area. Additionally, Diane conducts webinars on a wide variety of HR topics for various compliance training firms across the country.
Diane holds a Master Certificate in Human Resources from Cornell University’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations and has attained SPHR, SHRM-SCP, sHRBP, and HRPM® certification. Diane is a member of the National Association of Women Business Owners and the Society for Human Resource Management. Additionally, Diane performs pro bono work through the Taproot Foundation assisting non-profit clients by integrating their Human Resources goals with their corporate strategies.